Inuyasha (S3E8): Tsubaki’s Unrelenting Evil Spell

Inuyasha and Miroku face a demon horde

The dark priestess’s curse overtakes Kagome, sending her into a dream-like state of consciousness while Inuyasha continues his battle.

Original Air Date: 4 Mar 2002, Streamed on: Hulu

The demon wolf continues its assault on Inuyasha who still can’t draw Tetsusaiga. Instead, he throws a new Blades of Blood attack at the wolf.

Miroku and Sango decide to attack Tsubaki’s serpent to try to free Kagome from the curse, but they fail, and the dark priestess tightens her grip. Kagome passes out.

She “wakes up” back in her own bed in her own time obviously disoriented. When her family doesn’t know what she’s talking about, she begins to wonder if it was all just a dream. Nothing feels right. Kagome passes out, this time face-down on the street, and wakes up in her bed again.

Kilala appears in Kagome's curse-induced dream

Eventually, Kagome encounters Kikyo’s avatar in the dream world. Their encounter rouses Kagome from the dream, and she joins the fight against the demon wolf. Tsubaki gets in a burn or two about Kagome’s poor archery before once again refocusing her curse.

Suddenly, Inuyasha is able to destroy the demon wolf with an Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, along with the dark priestess’s serpent, but the curse holds. Tsubaki releases a small horde of demons upon them. Among those demons is a revived Shikigami, on a mission from Tsubaki to kill Kagome.

Just as Kikyo did 50 years before, Kagome throws Shikigami back at the dark priestess who is once again the victim of her own curse.

Tsubaki wears her own curse again

The Shikon jewel begins to purify itself again, but Tsubaki grabs it and is nearly whisked away by her remaining demons. Inuyasha uses the Wind Scar, but she is able to fly away.

Episode Score Card:

  • Iron Reaver Soul Stealers: 1
  • Blades of Blood: 1. That’s a new one.
  • Wind Scars: 1
  • Backlash Waves: 0
  • Wind Tunnels: 0
  • Swarms of Naraku’s Bees: 0
  • Jewel Shards Recovered: Kagome’s 3 shards exit her body, purified. The Shikon jewel itself is no longer black.

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The dream world avatars of Shippo and Kaede are grandson and grandmother.

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